So John was printing pieces for his chair last night and while they did print there was a bit of line/space jumping going on, my first thought was that there was a problem with the extruder, more specifically a clog in the nozzle end where the heated filament comes out, but just to check I thought I should print a calibration cube. There are all kind of things you can print to help calibrate the printer but I wanted to see if there was a problem with the x,y, or z axis, so this cube would tell me. Obvs its not supposed to crumple apart like that lol Big problems with the z axis so after John greased the z axis rod, cleaned out old filament, tightened all the rest of the screws and cleaned out old melted filament from the nozzle, I printed another cube. This is what is it supposed to look like, so now to print more random prob pointless stuff lol