Every Castle Needs a Flag

Page 2 Moleskine Sketchbook (colour altered in photoshop)
13 x 21cm
copyright 2007 Jennifer Phillip

Seems strange to put a little copyright notice on a sketch, but I want to get in the habit of doing it for all the artwork that I post. This wouldn't scan straight on the scanner, probably because the page wouldn't lay completely flat. And you can't have a castle without a badly drawn moat monster (nessie?). Another quick sketch were I'm just trying to be really loose with a pencil. I was going to draw little stick men attacking on the bridge waving little stick men swords in the air, but sadly I did not. There is always next time!

And completely unrelated and probably too much info, I have a huge bruise on the top of my right hand from where they tried to put an IV in and the vein collapsed. There was lots of blood. Kind of freaked me out. And it itches which is strange.

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