Odin Finished

"Odin and his Toy" Copyright Jennifer Rose Phillip
Graphite 14 by 17

Wasn't online yesterday, more business related stuff needed to be done and I had to work more on this. :) Its pretty much done. Still need to darken the dark areas but that shouldn't take that long. The back leg that he is laying on is going to be pretty much completly in shadow, so the basic lines where just laid down to save time.

Way too big for the scanner, so had to do a rough patch job. Not sure if I can get a better one but I will try tomorrow. If not I'm going to have to try to get a picture of it.

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  1. This is a great drawing.
    Is Odin's toy an orange traffic cone? He may just like orange!
    Looks great.

  2. Thanks leslie :)

    The cone is pretty bright orange where he hasn't chewed it up lol. I guess he has gotten his head stuck in the base end a few times. *laughs*

  3. Rotties get a bad rap, don't they? They are just big ol' play dogs! They can be so funny!
    I have a vivid image in my mind of the cone head dog. Very funny.
    Thanks, Jennifer.

  4. They do get a bad rap, which really bugs me. They can be such good dogs but its usually the bad/stupid owners that make the dogs aggresive and the Rotties (and other dogs) suffer for it.

    (sorry don't mean to start a little rant, it just bugs me a lot)


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