Hospital tests

Jen is in the hospital for some tests. So she asked me, John her husband to provide the meaning of the Scots word from the previous post - "scrievin" means "screeching"
This post's Scots words are

1) stoor

2) midden

Also she was working on some stuff before she went in for these tests, which weren't planned so she didn't get a chance to finish them.

Don't worry, she will be back soon enough so don't go anywhere. Normal service will be re-established as soon as possible



  1. Anonymous12:15 am

    Hi John! Thanks for helping out here. Give my best to Jennifer. I bet she can think of quite a few places she'd rather be than at the hospital for tests.
    We have pack rats in the desert, and their homes are called middens. Could midden be a jumble of all various materials?

  2. I never want to see the inside of the hospital again :/ but I have to go every 6 weeks for the MS and now have to go back in a few months for this problem (but at least now they know what the problem is)
    yep, thats what a midden is :) a junk pile. :)
    Now to catch up on people's blogs :D

  3. Anonymous8:43 pm

    I am glad you're back! Thank you, John, for helping out!
    And do I win a prize for "midden" ?(kidding...oh, OK, just a smallish diamond...)

  4. How about some coal and a really big weight? :p DIY diamond making ;)


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