It Lives!

Cherries WIP Copyright Jennifer Rose Phillip

Our computer is fixed now. Yay! So now I can scan art and post it here. So this is another ACEO that I am working on. Very simple, but I have found that if I want to get one of these little cards done in less than a day, I have to choose something simple.

This should be finished tomorrow and I will also be starting the WIP of the Shire horses that I said I was going to a few posts ago. It is all ready to start being coloured and I have been itching to start, but I was refraining from colouring any of it until the computer was fixed so I can show more steps in the process.

Todays Scottish Word:
1) flyte

Answers to the last posted Scottish words:
1) hoose means "house"

2) cleek is a hook

I'm actually learning a lot of different words by posting Scottish words. Can't pronounce most of them to save my life though.


  1. Anonymous6:10 pm

    For 'flyte', I began by thinking a flight of stairs, then went to birds, then went to fleet of you can see I have a strong grasp on the definition :)What is it?
    Good to have your computer equipment back up. I get so irritable when mine does anything 'new'.

  2. Don't realize how much I use the computer until its broken. :p But really, after a day I didn't really miss using it almost all the time.


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