Flickering Lights

I'm sure everyone and their uncle has read/heard/seen that there was an earthquake in the UK. Honestly people are acting like its the end of the world. It was a shift in plates, that is all. Not an act that means that the world is ending and it wasn't an act of god.

Having said that, the lights keep flickering here and they went out once for about a minute. Pain in the arse when you are trying to sew. I did manage to get the part that caused 2 needles to snap sewn, after John flattened it with an iron for me. (I only use irons for art purposes, very handy when you need to melt wax off of fabric). So hopefully I get the rest finished tomorrow, don't want to start to sew and than have the machine jam if the power goes out. I sewed the feet on wrong so have to cut out some more feet (I should keep track of everything that has gone wrong making this fuzzy)

Click on the above picture to get random notes that are written on it :)

To Dundee tomorrow so expect more pointless pictures and possible video if the weather stays nice (but less wind would be great)


  1. Anonymous12:47 am

    the sky is falling the sky is falling...oh,wait...
    the earth is moving, the earth is moving!!!
    Did you feel it?
    Call me crazy, but I thought I felt a jiggle the other morning early. Maybe two days ago. Can't remember, exactly.

    Can you sew by candlelight?

    Bring back that great Dragon sculpture for me when you go to town. It'll fit in the caar, yes?

    Think I have my email fixed. Try the dot com address and see.

  2. your crazy :p

    I could sew by candle light but John's parents might freak out about a fire.

    lol it just might fit in the car, but the bottom of the car would be dragging on the road (I hate to think how much it would weigh)

    *goes to try*


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