This is...

Roar! (photo from here)

what I want to be when I grew up. This weeks choice was from here :)

I wanted to be a lot of things when I was a kid. All ending in ologist :p Marine Biologist, Archaeologist, Zoologist, Paleontologist, Veterinarian. Ok so the last isn't an ologist :p

I guess if I had to choose I really really wanted to be a Paleontologist. Still would if I could. Nothing really stopping me besides finances and trying to find a school not too far away.

I think I draw so many dragons because I love Dinosaurs, even if I can't pronounce half of the names.

What did you want to be when you grow up/grew up?


  1. Oh, this is so much like you methinks........I really like you cos you are a little bit strange, I just thought I was!!! Hey I am now catching up......seems like you bin busy matey...anyway iz off to catch up with the rest!! XXX

  2. people always tell me I'm strange lol I don't see it ;p

  3. Anonymous9:35 pm

    I wanted to be Trigger, Roy Rogers horse.
    I decided on Trigger, after I was told I couldn't be Roy Rogers.

    Then I wanted to be an archeologist.
    Then a veterinarian.
    Then a philanthropist.

  4. I always wanted to be a veterinarian because of my love for animals.....never happened but I am still strongly connected to fighting for animal welfare. :)

  5. lol leslie I've never actually seen an episode of Roy Rogers, seen pictures of the horse and read what he could do. I would want to be the horse if I was a kid too after reading all the tricks he could do.

    At least you are involved with animal welfare serena, a great thing to care for animals and look out for them. I wish more people were like that :)


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