
I've mentioned before how much I hate code, and math is not my strong suit, so add numbers and percents into the mix and I want to chuck my laptop off the roof and draw the mess that results (100 points if a ned is hit in the process :p)

But here is what I have so far, a rough start after Mr.F showed me how div tags work and then told me of a few links and handed me some books and said "here, know you learn". hmph. Thanks, Mr I have a computer degree, very helpful :p


  1. Code?? It's all Greek to me. We didn't have computers when I was at school, and not even in my classroom as a teacher till much, much later!!!

  2. Anonymous2:29 am

    You haven't sworn in public yet (well all over the internet) so at least your reputation remains in tact. See, there's a bright side to every cloud :D

  3. I am ready to throw my laptop too but because it keeps shutting down on me ;-)
    It looks like you are getting there........
    I don't mind html, it is kond of quite logical when you get into it but any other coding language is beyond me, an assignment in VB used to strike doom and gloom into my heart, lol

  4. I hope it all works out the way you want it. I'm okay with HTML but any other type of coding and I'm lost.

  5. This is why I go for the free website services that have templates. It may not be the prettiest site but it gets the job done and I stay relatively sane - for me anyway :-) Good luck with all that, I am sure it will be marvelous when it's done!

  6. My little kids can code but I can't. Sigh. Good luck!

  7. You are a brave soul! I would be totally lost. I figure there are some things in life I just have to depend on others to know about!

  8. cindy, even with computers in the classrooms, its still a bunch of random letters on the screen to me lol

    wendy, if I put video up of me trying to make a site, there would be a lot of swearing online :p

    chrissy, I'm not even going to try VB again, gives me nightmares lol take pics of the laptop if you do toss it ;)

    serena, thanks :)

    ann, thanks :) I thought about the free route, but since its paid for the next 6 months figured I might as well do something with it :)

    sandra, can i get your kids to do it for me? :D

    mary, I am lost lol but yes there always things I depend on others to know :)


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