Sky Drawing WIP

The start of a portrait of Sky :) Lines and shapes put in loosely...

and then refined. Still need to work on the basic shapes before I can start shading. Just really need to make sure everything is in the right place before I get too far into it and I can't change it.


  1. oh i look forward to watching this progress! how is miss Sky doing ?

    love teen xx

  2. Anonymous12:21 am

    Looking good so far! Good thing you have photos, trying to pin down the actual subject could be tricky :D

  3. Your sketch is looking good. Can't wait to see it finished. :)

  4. Looks great....I can't wait to see it finished either.

  5. Ohhh! That's going to be beautiful! My younger two and I have been watching all your sky videos and having a giggle.


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