Day 4

A song that makes me sad. I prefer her version over Sting's, its more eerie and sad I think.

Crows have been showing up a lot lately in my life. OK so one could argue that they are everywhere here :p but we did have to help rescue an injured one, one landed a foot from me and just stood watching me (wish I had of had the camera then), and so many individual people have suggested draw crows when I ask them what I should draw. So I had to draw a crow :p

I want to use this for another CP drawing, just need to add a tombstone or 2.

hmmm I wonder what Sky would think of a crow for a friend?.....


  1. One year we were feeding the squirrels regularily and the crows would hang out for the leftovers. After a few weeks we had crows standing on the fence and porch looking in my windows and patio door and leaning over the edge of the roof above the doors waiting to be fed. It was freaky to have the whole house surrounded by a murder of crows. Like something from Hitchcocks the Birds!

  2. Mmmm Great song....

    As for the crows, a friend of mine would say that they have something to teach you. Observe them, look at their habits. Maybe there is a message in it for you and if not, you learned a bit about a fascinating creature... :-)

  3. sandi, very hitchcock like. they realize pretty quick were they can get free food

    michelle, your friend has some good points. and yeah at the very least i get to learn about a very neat animal :)


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