More ACEOs

Not much of a blog title :p but really can't think of another one for these. Little cygnet, drawn with as few lines as I could but still have it look like a bird.
And a sky ACEO drawn for the paint my photo monthly challenge. I might actually do this bigger in the future, I think the colours in the sky would be more effective larger.


  1. These are both wonderful! You are making me miss doing aceo's.

  2. I feel like when I do aceo's...I'm cheating because it's so small. I really like the sky one also, that's when it is the prettiest.

  3. thanks sandi:)

    ann, i had missed doing them too, forgot how much fun they are :)

    feline, i use to feel that way too, but not so much now as people usually think its cool that people actually work that small :)

  4. Oh the little cygnet is so sweet!!


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