Safety First

Mr.F's dad made me up a bench hook for me to use when carving lino, much safer then holding the block with my hands :)  Shouldn't need so many band-aids now :p

Tripped over the dog last night, and my foot is killing me as all my weight landed on the side of it. X-ray in the morning to see if its broken, hopefully not but it does hurt a lot :/

And since I can't do anything around the little house, I worked on a drawing of a few dogs.
Here it is sketched out and then with adding water....
It starts to look like this. Still need to add more to it, to try to make it look a little more like fur, but its a start :)


  1. Oh no, I hope your foot is OK, and I hope Sky is too.

  2. Ouch! Hope nothing is too badly mangled. Healing thoughts being sent your way.

  3. Sorry about your foot....I hope it heals up quickly.

  4. Hope the foot is better now and nothing worse than just a sprain. Love the photos of the puppies and the sketch is lovely too.

  5. I did leave a comment before but cannot work out if it has saved or not. Anyway, I hope you foot is better and the rest was rambling on about a tutorial I saw recently for loose painted animals which looked fun! Nice to see you painting more and the Moody storm one has turned out great :)


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