Back to School...

upload by fuzzydragons
upload, a photo by fuzzydragons on Flickr.
and back to getting up at 6:30...I really am not a morning person.

I really haven't drawn anything, even at college. One life drawing and a rough sketch of what I think was an old meat grinder :p

Forgot to take a photo of the life drawing, so here, have some jelly beans :D


  1. Mmm those jelly beans look good!
    Since I have started my new job, I haven't been working on anything either :/
    Can we blame it on the fact that it's the end of summer??

    1. they were good, didn't last long after i took photos :p

      yeah i blame it on the end of summer :D

  2. You'll get back into the swing of things soon enough and be churning out drawings.

    Jelly beans! My favourite!

    1. hopefully i do, lots of work to do at college :D

      i love jelly beans, and these ones are all diferent flavours, but none of the gross ones :p

  3. Yes, I'm sure you'll get back into the swing of things once you get back to college. Yummy pic!

  4. What a delicious solution to not having something to post. Yum. Great to hear you're back at school. Happy sketching.

  5. I like the chemist jelly beans we have here: fat and juicy with a crispy shell. Yum!! Oh, first day of getting up early, yuck. At least you appreciate weekends and a sleep in.


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