New Meds


Need to start taking these in an effort to try to help with the nerve pain in my face. Lots of fun feeling like your face is on fire :p My MS nurse says that it is Trigeminal neuralgia. I can't even pronounce that :p

Another invisible symptom to add to the list. Most of my symptoms, the average person can not see, which does of course cause the usual looks and whispers behind my back that I am perfectly fine. I am very vocal about the fact that not all disabilities are visual, there are so many that you cannot see but they still effect a person. I just wish more people realized this and didn't immediately jump to conclusion that a person is making everything up.


  1. Interesting - I had those for nerve pain after the Tx op. Hope they help alleviate your pain!

  2. Why no instructions in English - its a Pfizer drug isn't it?

    Hope it sorts out the nerve pain and you feel more comfortable soon.

    1. the insert is in english thankfully :p, i guess the box is meant for the Norwegian market

  3. I feel your pain in more ways than one! Transdermal magnesium has been helping my trigeminal neuralgia somewhat. Also peppermint oil has a great cooling burn that can be distracting enough to feel like it's relieving pain. Put all along the hairline and behind the ears, it has been surprisingly effective. Both are relatively cheap and worth trying. ^_^

    I've heard good things about Lyrica, except for weight gain being a common side effect. Hope it works well for you!

    1. its such a pain :/ will have to try those :)

      so far nada besides making me feel ill :/

    2. Maybe the dosage is too high? Try halving the pill. If you still feel ill, see if you can switch to Neurontin. Even though they're pretty much the same thing, fms patients have had different reactions to them. Seems like Neurontin is easier on the system. Also, you can save money by getting the generic version, Gabapentin.

  4. Being crook is no fun at all. Hope the drugs help. My face feels like it's on fire all the time. I'm blaming menopause. Nothing a bag of frozen peas stuck to my face can't fix...

  5. You are right, a lot of my symptoms and side effects are invisible too. I hope that these new tablets work and you are feeling better soon.


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