
view So its a good thing I hadn't bought tickets to the Highland show for a few reasons. Re-injured my foot, being my usual clumsy self and the car is dead. The clutch is....donald ducked :p. Just managed to get it home after it stalled a few times, and now its sitting in the drive until we get a new clutch parts or scrap the whole car. What I find funny about this is that we just sold a car the other day, so could have used it :p

At least I have a bus if we really need something from town lol


  1. As usual for Vauxhalls / GMs....its not the BIG things that go wrong...its the small things..clutch is fine...its the clutch slave cylinder thats sprung a leak (its the bit that makes the clutch work when you push the clutch its leaking the clutch won't disengage the gearbox from the engine....)
    Seemingly its a common fault...

  2. How frustrating about the car. They say you meet a whole new group of people when you own a car. i.e. mechanics ;)

    And what a view! Its beautiful. Its as if I can see forever.

    1. john and his dad have learned a lot about fixing cars lol

      on a really clear day the view is even better :)

  3. :(
    I remember getting locked in third gear...
    Oh well, relax and enjoy that view.

    1. john was afraid the clutch was gong to burn out because he couldn't change gears, thankfully didn't but did stink by the time we got home

  4. Ugh, double transportation troubles, foot and car! Sucks, right? Any better now? (I know I'm catching up late here.

    1. foot is slowly getting better so thats good :) the car at the moment is sitting on jack stands without 2 wheel and we are waiting for the parts john needs to fix it

  5. Nooo, being car-less is terrible, especially if you have an injured foot!! Isn't ti always the way, you finally declutter your cars, and then you just KNOW that you were keeping the cars for a reason!!


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