Weekly book Wrap Up

Does the book count for my goal if its most images?? :p

Information is BeautifulInformation is Beautiful by David McCandless
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nice book full of interesting and different way to show statistics/info. A few of the pages made me laugh with their stats and they way they were laid out on the page:D

The Last Camel Died at Noon (Amelia Peabody, #6)The Last Camel Died at Noon by Elizabeth Peters
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Nice change of pace to the story due to setting the story in a different place. Nice amount of intrigue and action to the story and the addition of new interesting characters helped this volume not become as repetitive as the last few have started to be.

Even tho I have a lot of other books already started, I started another one:

Kill Your Friends

2016 Reading Challenge

2016 Reading Challenge
Jennifer has read 18 books toward her goal of 100 books.


  1. It looks like Information is Beautiful is a fascinating book! I definitely think it counts!

    1. it was a pretty interesting book:)

  2. The information book sounds really interesting, I shall seek it out on your recommendation!


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