What's on your Workdesk? May 25th

This week on What's in your Workdesk?, back to re-doing my Halloween dragons because after a few days I didn't like how it looked 100%. Thankfully easy enough to fix since its really just a case of clicking a button and dragging some sliders to mess with the colours. And I've pulled a muscle in my shoulder, so as much as I want to finish the seal etching I started months ago, I probably wont be able to until my shoulder feels better.

And yes, I need to clean my desk off lol

One of the many screwdrivers in the house.You never know when you might need one and its pouring rain outside and can't be arsed going to get one.


  1. So nice to read an HONEST Blogger, grin... just pop on over to my space today, cuz I did not have time to tidy even a little bit, and honestly, what is showing is NOT THAT BAD (for me) Grin! Scrapbook Lynne Mizera WOYWW#58

  2. LOL great post! Love the screwdriver

    Happy WOYWW anniversary
    Sharon K #43

  3. Happy 7th WOYWW!!
    Well, I've never come across the word Canuck before! I lived in Northumberland for many years and learned a whole load of weird vocabulary there, but that's a new one on me :-)
    Loved your post, you made me laugh - your desk is positively pristine compared to some who rock up every Wednesday! My fav thing was your sketch of the screwdriver - absolutely brilliant! I've got a thing about black and white sketches, maps, diagrams and blueprints...they just float my boat. Love 'em :-)
    Hugs, LLJ xxxx

    1. Canuck is usually used as a slang word for a Canadian :) (can be a nice word or in some cases not :p)

      and thank you :)

  4. Oh how I wish I could sketch like that!!
    I am determined to get round all the desks in celebration of the fun we have with all our mad WOYWW friends so here I am! Happy 7th WOYWW anniversary - here's to many more! x Jo #19

    1. good luck getting around to all the desks :)lots of nice blogs to visit

  5. I hope your shoulder feels better soon. The dragon is looking great and I like the tool sketch a lot as well. I think your desk looks good, both of mine are messy right now...

    1. thank Lisa :) my desk has been messier lol but the laptop wouldn't fit :p

  6. I hope your shoulder gets better soon!
    Happy anniversary!!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #2

    1. thank you, my shoulder is ok as long as I don't do anything with it lol

  7. I love your art work, Jennifer - it's really beautiful! I'm sorry to hear you've hurt your shoulder and I hope it recovers quickly and you can get back to doing all the things you want to do. Thank you for your lovely comment and for your anniversary wishes - we had a lovely day - and I'm glad you like my flower boxes. Sorry to be so long replying but we've had a busy time lately and then I got very tired in between and had to rest, and I've got behind with all my computer stuff.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #49

    1. thank you Shoshi :) you looked like you were really busy in your blog post so no surprise you are behind with your computer stuff :)


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