Sunday Sketches

Back to typing with one hand again because my left is out of commission for awhile. I ended up going to the out of hours GP last night I was in so much pain, and after 2 GPs saw me they figured out I don't have just carpal tunnel I also have Cubital tunnel syndrome. yay...Do you know how hard it is trying not to bend your wrist and elbow?lol

So,probably not going to be able to do a lot of art unless its digital until the problems are fixed. Which is OK since I need the practice with a lot of different programs.


  1. ugh...that doesn't sound fun at all! hope your recovery is quick!

  2. oh I've never heard of cubital tunnel syndrome, hope you get some relief soon. Nice sketch anyway.

    1. i hadn't heard of either but one of the doctor was a sports injury specialist and knew what was wrong right away so was worth going at 9 at night lol and thanks :)

  3. Oh no! I hope you feel better soon. Imak is a company that sells gloves that may help when typing (they've helped me, I like the gloves with the padding better than the pads that get put by the mouse and keyboard). They're designed for carpal tunnel, but maybe they'll also help with the other condition possibly. Your sketches are lovely!

    1. thanks Lisa :) cant put any wrap or brace/gloves on my hand/wrist sadly :/ makes the pain worse by compressing on the nerves. good to know tho if I start needing one for my other hand :)

  4. These are wonderful. How you were able to do them in all of that pain I do not know. You really do need to rest that wrist and elbow. While I was teaching I did have some CPS trouble, but one I retired it subsided. Love your key and spatula. What a great job you were able to do. Have fun on the computer but for only a wee bit at a time.....this is granny speaking. LAUGH OUT LOUD Take care and get to feeling better SOON. genie

    1. lol yes Mame ;) thank you for the concern :)

      thankfully the problem is my left arm/hand so can still draw with my right just can't hold an art board. but should still take breaks from the computer to rest the eyes

  5. Oh no!! Will you need surgery? I read about cubital tunnel syndrome when I was researching my own symptoms. There was a time my local doctor thought I may have had cubital tunnel syndrome on top of the carpal tunnel because my pain was severe and it travelled all the way up to the elbow which he said is due to compression of the ulna nerve. That was only a temporary symptom thankfully. You know the rest. Are there any splints available to keep your arm immobilised while you sleep? I do hope the pain eases soon.

    On another note, I love your loose sketches!

    1. thanks about the skeches :)

      tried a splint, makes the pain worse :/ compresses on the nerve. the doctor I saw yesterday said there was muscle wastage, so thats not good. I didn't know you could have both but at the same time, lucky me lol

      not sure about surgery but all the research I have done so far points to it :/ I am going to try to make a GP appointment this week to arrange a nerve test to see what damage has been done. don't want surgery but if I have to I have to I guess :(

    2. Yes, you can get both at the same time. Hopefully, you won't need surgery but it sounds like you will, especially if there has been muscle wastage. Good luck! xo

  6. By the way, I like the new design layout for your blog. :)

    1. thanks :) took a bit of changing things around for a few weeks, but finally happy with it :)

  7. Hi Jennifer,
    That's a new one on me. Your matter-of-fact approach to life's roadblocks is remarkable. You put the "H" in "Chutzpah"! Have the best darn week possible, 'cause I know you'll find a way around this, too.
    Best Wishes,

    1. I hadn't heard of it either, the doc knew right away tho what was wrong lol

      I think that after getting an MS diagnoses, anything else is a piece of cake or water off a ducks back lol :)

  8. These are super sketches and I love the total sketchy feel of them! I hope you recover very soon. I had Cubital Tunnel Syndrome once and it was awful. One side of my hand was numb for months.

    1. thank you :) I hope it doesnt last months :/ but will have to wait and see I guess

  9. I hope they are able to sort it out for you soonand you feel better soon. Your sketches are wonderful.

    1. thanks Shashi :) hopefully get an appointment soon to try to figure out what happens next

  10. Nice sketches, Jennifer. I do hope your hand gets better soon. I have pains in my right hand and cringe so when people come up and shake my hand. Aside from wearing a hand brace, I don't know how to get around shaking hands. I love your eagle paintings too. I went back into your blog to see what you've been doing. Such beautiful work.

    1. thanks Faye :)

      have you had you hand looked at, it sounds painful :( i tend to tell people I dont shake hands, and make a joke about it somehow

  11. Fabulous sketches, Jennifer, but terribly sorry to hear you're still having issues. Ugh I hope you can find some sort of comfort soon!

    1. thanks Alexandra :) I'm glad for the NHS lol :)

  12. Oh sorry to hear that you are in pain! Not good for an artist! I have had issues in the past with elbow and wrist pain. I never got a diagnosis, but I had to rest it from drawing and working with clay. Hope you get better soon. Get some rest! Nice sketches! :)

    1. thank you :)I'm glad its my left han/arm, think I would go insane not being able to do anything if it was my right

  13. Oh it never rains, but it pours at your house. Most annoying AND painful, and making it hard for you to do the things you like. A small silver lining that you know what it is. Feel better soon.

    1. lol like I've said before, would be boring if everything was OK :p

      the pain tho is really starting to be a PITA and thanks :)


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