Inktober #23 & #24

A sundae glass and a tealight Halloween pumpkin for todays sketch,

Have a lovely nice bruise in the inside of my elbow from getting  blood drawn to see if the MS meds I am on are not killing me lol No, not really killing, me but it is to check if the meds are not messing me up.


  1. Nice sketches, especially the pumpkin. :)

    Hope the test results are good.

  2. Love the pumpkin!
    I guess they have to watch the liver... You're an artist. Too late for the mind?? ;-) jk lol! Pot and kettle...

  3. Both the sundae glass and the pumpkin are sweeeeet!

    Hope the meds do good with no bad side effects!

  4. thanks Serena :)

    Michelle, yeah they are not good for my liver or my white blood cells. if the blood levels got really low they would take me off the pills :/ and lol!:D yep way too late for the mind :p

    thanks Jan :) no big side effects thankfully now, just need bloods taken ever 6 months

  5. What lovely sketches! They both have such charm. I hope the blood works have the result you're hoping for.

  6. Good luck with your numbers. I go every three months. Yay for the life saving drugs that might actually be killing you!!!!

  7. thanks Lisa :) haven't heard back from them about the blood work so prob fine :)

    lol cindy! that really made me laugh. I get told all the time from new doctors about how I shouldn't be taking a med due to the side effects/risks involved, and I tell them read my file, I am on and have taken some meds with pretty bad side effects before that have way worse risks :p


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