Sunday Sketches

A vial of pigment powder. I actually don't know what it is lol It's probably a type of paint, but until I figure out how to tell what type, I don't really want to mess around with it. And a pantograph for #362, which I managed to almost break my glasses with today. oops but they seem OK.

Oh yeah, got stuck in one of the elevators at uni. Was only for a minute or so, but when you are claustrophobic, that seems like a long time. And of course I didn't hae my mobile on me at the time, and no one was answering the call button. Don't think I will be using those elevators for a while lol

Three left to sketch :D


  1. I love the sketches! I'm glad your glasses are okay, it's such a neat sketch. Eek about the elevator, I'm not a big fan of them myself...

  2. Wonder what pigment that is...I'd have to try it and see, or I couldn't stop thinking about it. Great sketches.

    I was trapped in an elevator once, but it was glass, over a conservatory. Gave me a nice idea of what it's like to be a bird sitting on a nest.

  3. neat sketches...awful about the elevator.

  4. Nice sketch. A wise decision not to use those lifts especially when you are on your own

  5. Great sketch. I wonder on the pigment.....
    Yikes on the elevator! Not my thing either....

  6. Horrible experience with the elevator - especially if you are claustrophobic. Ugh! shudder!
    The vial looks exactly like a set I have of Japanese pigments. All pigments have to be treated with respect but they are beautiful and may I ask...what color is it?

  7. Neat little sketches - just a few more to go!
    Sorry about your elevator experience. You can hoof it up the stairs with me. I hate elevators - got stuck in one once and dropped down several feet between floors. No, thank you...

  8. thanks Lisa :) I'm glad the glasses were ok too but prob need a new prescription so would have just got a new pair if they had of broke, or just used the sunglass more lol

    Paula, I would have prob been ok stuck in a glass elevator, could at least see out :)

    thank you Christine :)

    thanks Shashi :)

    Julie, there are a bunch of colours, I will try to put a photo up of them. Someone might have an idea of what they are :)

    thanks Chris :) I'm kind of stuck using elevators, can't do stairs, unless the building is on fire and then I will go down them on my butt if needed :p ugh that sounds very scary, I'd never use one again if that happened

  9. I always used to want to check the phone was in the little box in the lift, but now they do just have a button. I always jump when the lift stops. I would have hated to be stuck too.


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