Sunday Sketches

A crane and an Egyptian  Vulture. Vultures are cool :D

Left handed sketches #63 and #64

Linking up to Sunday Sketches


  1. Your birds exercises are really cool. Is still the left hand exercise? It's fantastic! I love it to look at them! Would like to talk to them too. They have a funny character.

  2. Love the crane sketch ~ well done ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a great week ahead ~ ^_^

  3. great sketches!! yes, vultures are interesting birds!

  4. What wonderful sketches! The crane has a beautiful elegance.

  5. Really enjoying these! The vulture is great. An angry Borden milk cow logo... lol! Remember that logo?

  6. That vulture has tons of personality! Have a wonderful week :)

  7. thanks stefanie :) yep, still left handed :)

    thank you carol :) have a good week too :)

    thanks alarmcat :)

    thank you Lisa :) they are pretty elegant birds, when they fly at least lol

    thanks Michelle :) I remember that cow, use to know someone who had an old store sign with that logo on it

    thanks Rhonda :)

  8. Hi Jen,

    Your birds have such vitality and expression, especially that vulture.

    Thank you for your comment on the cats. I am pleased with their look. As for the endangered animal drawings, it really is the least I can do to [hopefully] increase awareness of them. This week I'm doing a Vancouver Island marmot - there are many different types [who knew?] I still remember seeing a marmot in our backyard in Vancouver. How did he get there???


  9. And your sketches are very cool, too!!

  10. thanks Kathryn :) there are few animals that are endangered that need more recognition

    thank you Chris :)

    thanks Alexandra :)


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