
Yesterday, fatigue kicked my ass. I deal with fatigue everyday but yesterday I could hardly move. So much to do, but I couldn't hold a pencil/pen with either hand.  Its not something that taking a nap can help with. Its not something meds can help with. You, at least with me, can't do much but sit on your butt and watch Netflix lol while you wait for it to go away. Not a lot of fun and very hard to explain to someone unless they have experienced it themselves. It goes beyond just being "tired like we all are". Or needing caffeine, which is actually no good for most people and will just make it worse.  Take your average work day and times that by 100 and add in a concrete weight suit to the mix and you might come close to how it feels. 


  1. I'm so sorry. I hope you are feeling at least a little better now.

  2. I cannot even IMAGINE how it feels, Jennifer. So sorry this happened to you...
    Glad to see Tuesday's sketches. Hope you're feeling much better!

  3. thanks Lisa :) the fatigue is still there, but a bit better

    thanks Chris :) it is usually something that is always there so don't complain about it much but on monday it kicked my butt :p

  4. My heart goes out to you and I admire your gumption.


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