
Ouch and for once its not me with the injury, its Sky. :( And the vet seems pretty sure its a cruciate injury, which really sucks. John set up a few funding campaigns to try to get help, and normally I would not ask, but could people have a look and share the campaigns for me? Any little bit helps us a lot to help her. Sharing helps just as much since the more people see it, the better. She is getting an x-ray today to asses the damage.

I took this photo actually just before she hurt herself, so she went from this happy dog to a limping one. 

Gofundme campaign

Justgiving campaign


  1. Oh no, so sorry to hear this!

  2. Oh she is so adorable ~ do hope she will be well ~ good as 'brand new' ~ lots of distant healing reiki energy hugs to your doggie and all ~ xxx

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your pup. I hope you get the funds you need. I shared from one on twitter and I'll try to do the other later.

  4. So sorry to hear about Sky.
    Do you have a PayPal account?

  5. thanks Christine :)

    thanks carol :) the surgery should really help, just need to try to rest her for 8 weeks

    thank you Lisa :)

    thanks Chris :) hubby has one, johnphillip@gmail.com
    thank you :)


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