Attack of the Garden Tap Update

Days after tripping and falling onto the garden tap, my eye isn't really swollen but there are a few bruise lines on it. Could be a lot worse, could look like I've done a few rounds with Tyson in the ring.

Thankfully you actually can't see this with my glasses on so am not getting asked what happened and then having to explain I tripped and hit my head on a garden tap lol


  1. Thanks for the update, so glad to hear you are doing ok.

  2. Glad you're on the mend!

  3. Ohhh I am so sorry.

  4. Buggar! You poor thing. Such a sensitive area.
    Sending a gentle hug.

  5. yw Christine, thank for checking in :)

    yeah so am I Rhonda :)

    Nicole, its ok, my fault for tripping (which I do a lot lol)

    very sensitive area Julie, more sensitive than I though actually :p

  6. I'm glad you're feeling better.

  7. Well that is good news, and not having to explain is even better!

  8. thanks Lisa :)

    yeah not having to explain what happened worked well Cindy, people dont seem to understand how clumsy I am lol


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