Lots of Sketching

Just some more sketches done with coloured pencil. Can never practice enough.

I really need to sketch more but finding the time is almost impossible. The only reason I can right now is I am home from uni. Had the flu last week and this week I am on antibiotics because the doctor is afraid I might get pneumonia, so thats fun lol

And some lion sketches to break up the dog sketches.


  1. I'm glad you're starting to get a bit better... I hope you feel MUCH better soon! I love your sketches (I'd love to have more time for sketching too.)

  2. I love your dog and lion sketches! I agree, one can never practice enough. I hope you feel better soon.

  3. cute sketches! Hope you don't get that pneumonia.

  4. Take care of yourself! The sketches are great. Nice gesture, form and shading. I’m smiling.

  5. Sweet dog sketches, but I really LOVE the lions! Well done, Jennifer.
    And I hope you get better very soon. Try to stay out of trouble. :}

  6. Sorry about the health issues but happy about the sketches. I especially like the "Can we play?" one of the dog in the middle :) Hope you are much better soon! This flu has been a real bad thing this year in the US - every state having major cases. So far, we've been healthy but that may be from my being a hermit! ha ha

  7. I've been enjoying your sketching progress for long time--these have great style.

  8. thanks Kristen :) Feel much better now that the antibiotics have kicked in :) all of us artist prob wish for more time to sketch :)

    thank you Lisa :)

    Christine, I probably did get pneumonia lol but getting better,still get out of breath tho :/

    thanks Jo :)

    thank you Chris :) I'm pretty happy with the lion sketches, been so long since I have drawn them wasnt sure i could lol

    Rhonda, flu has been horrible here. store were running out of kleenex lol and everyone seemed to be ill, and thanks :)

    thanks Ingrid :) good to see you blogging again too :)


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