Weekly Book Wrap Up

The Visual History of TypeThe Visual History of Type by Paul McNeil
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Ok, good book full of a lot of info about different type/fonts. Good examples, but if you have no interest in type of any kind you might find it a bit dry. I didn't but I'm studying Graphic Design, so its useful to read lol

View all my reviews

 Leviathan Wakes (The Expanse, #1)Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

(older review, since this is a re-read and I still really enjoyed it)

Really enjoyed reading this book :) Parts were funny, theres a bit of a mystery involved, some parts were exciting to read and there was a bit of horror thrown in as well.

The main characters are what really makes this book. You do start caring what happens to them, and want them to survive to appear in the next book.

Def. a must read for fans of space operas and 561 pages seems like it could be a lot to read, but I didn't find that things dragged on.

View all my reviews

Jennifer's bookshelf: currently-reading

Caliban's War
it was amazing
Great book, funny and fast paced. I thought this sequel was better then the first actually :)
tagged: currently-reading


2018 Reading Challenge

2018 Reading Challenge
Jennifer has read 18 books toward her goal of 40 books.


  1. good reads for you this week!

  2. Still trying to figure out how you find the time to read for pleasure, Jennifer, but I'm glad you do.
    As always, thanks for the recommendations!

  3. Chris, as mentioned in a previous reply, I don't sleep lol gives me time to read :)

  4. Glad you ave some good books to read. I am speed reading trying to finish books before they are due back. I am not succeeding!


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