Done and Dusted

Graduated, I learned how to use many different programs and it led to me looking into 3D work more

I think I am just not your typical graphic designer when it comes to look, I put too much of an illustrative twist on things (but wouldn't say no to a job in graphics). Maybe should have done Illustration, but I thought I might be bored with it, since it is usually what I do for myself. *shrugs* live and learn :)

Oddly enough, I got a really good mark for my dissertation, when at first I was terrified of essay writing and John went through boxes of red pens proof . Maybe I should have actually gone and done an English course to begin with lol


  1. Congrats on your good dissertation mark and finding out what you don't want to do ~

    Happy Day to you,
    C & Z

  2. Congratulations and a BIG hug! Well done, Jennifer.
    You will figure it out. And you're right - you never know what might happen...

  3. Congratulations! You never know the path you'll head down but this degree is a tòol that wiĺl help open doors for you.

  4. Big congrats, well deserved for your hard work!

  5. Congrats! You sound as if you might be looking at doing another?

  6. Congratulations! I hope your path becomes more clear as you travel down it. I am very happy for you and your accomplishments.

  7. thanks carol :)

    thank you Chris :) never know what might happen so leaving my options open at the moment :)

    Jeanette, thanks :) and very true about the degree possibly helping in the future :)

    thanks Christine :)

    Rose, thanks :) if I had the money and the marks I might, but probably not at the moment (even tho it will be odfd not being in education after 7 years lol

    thanks Lisa :)


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