Random Dragon Sketch

So after trying to sketch a car for over an hour I gave up because it looked like crap and drew a dragon instead lol I need to practice cars more so expect to see some car sketches once they don't look really really bad.

And someone got her stitches out today but is still on very strict confinement which is giving her cabin fever. Another month at least of restricted movement.


  1. Nice sketch and great that the stitches came out.

  2. Why do you have to draw cars, is it a Uni Assignment?

    Must be hard keeping Skye confined ... she always seems to have so much energy (typical Collie)! Hope she heals quickly. Suex

    1. nope Sue, not a uni assignment. done with art at uni, just need the practice :)trying to keep sky calm but its almost impossible

  3. I feel your pain! I think cars are one of the hardest things to draw. Is it because there are no “real” lines? Great dragon!

    1. Jo they are hard to draw if you dont really draw them. too many pieces lol


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