Angry Tiny Birb Part One

I started to paint a Kestrel with a limited palette in Painter. Really like how he is looking and made a video of the painting process to go with it.


  1. I'll be back to look at the video - gotta leave soon - ....but i like what i see.

    Not sure what you mean by "Painter" ..i'll have to check in to that. I 'm so uneducated on most things digital - i just use my mouse in Corel and pick a brush or what have you...and paint it holding my mouse. I know there are programs where you can actually use a brush you hold in your hand and paint digitally which is something i would like to try some time.

  2. Great way to get a new start on your birds. Lovely.

  3. Wow you did a fabulous job. You are so talented.


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