Lovely Burple Flowers

I just love the colour of these. Reminds me of the grape flavored Kool-Aid. Can't get Kool-Aid here, lots of other things to drink but I do miss the sugar filled drink sometimes. Even though grape was always the last colour (I can't really call them flavors, the flavor has more to do with the amount of sugar you put in your juice jug than the actual packet of juice crystals), that anyone would drink. It was always the pack stuffed in the back of the drawer and we reluctantly used it when we got bored drinking water, and used 2 cups of sugar to try to make it taste better. Probably would have been better to just eat the bag of sugar.

I never got to try dying my hair with Kool-Aid, way too dark. I had friends though that would come to school with bright coloured hair, and smelled like strawberry-kiwi juice.

Business stuff done for the week, Art tomorrow......YAY!!


  1. Burple and kool-aid reminds me of summer days as a kid. We spent plenty of time sticking out our tongues to see what color they were, depending on what flavor we were drinking.
    Fabulous photo.

  2. We used to stick our tongues out when we ate Jaw-breakers. Usually our tongues were a lovely shade of muddy green, and our teeth were blue.
    Thanks :)


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