some animal photos

So for a more positive note to end the day on, here's some animals from Campderdown wildlife park when we were there in march ( 2 is some :P )

This piggy is a BIG boy. I have posted pics of him before but I don't think I posted this picture before now.

I love snowy owls, they are gorgeous but have HUGE talons...fluffy! but...hopefully one doesn't mistake my head for a tree...ouch!!


  1. Anonymous1:11 am

    Oh! The owl. I just got a Harry Potter thrill!
    How big IS that piggy?

  2. I think the fence is 3 feet high, I could be wrong though. I'd say he was about the size of a small bathtub, I think we got a picture of the sign for him saying how big he was, I will have to see if I can find it.

    I haven't managed to read any of the Potter books yet. I've tried, I just keep falling asleep.

  3. Anonymous1:24 am

    I haven't ever been able to remain awake through The Wizard of OZ, which I think is sacreligious in some circles. I get to the part where the Munchkins start chanting "Follow the Yellow Brick Road", and I am snoring. Not just once, but every ding dong time.
    I hadn't read the Potter books until recently, and I fell in love quickly.
    So that pig is large enough I wouldn't want to meet him in my yard after dark. Especially with truffles in my pockets...

  4. I've never seen the whole movie, I'm the same way. I fall right asleep as soon as the singing starts. (and I love music)
    He is pretty big, but I don't think I have ever seen him doing anything but sleeping and getting up to move to a different place to sleep. :-p lol


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