Random Stuff

Untitled Dragon Copyright Jennifer Rose Phillip
Coloured Pencil ACEO

Very quick little dragon head. Wish I had of moved the head over a bit to the right of the card but this was just practice to warm my hands back up from the stay at the hospital, so its not the most prettiest thing in the world but it did the job. :) Took about half an hour to finish. I plan on doing a few more ACEOs tomorrow, already have them drawn, just need to colour them.

I have started to draw a picture of 2 shire horses. One little foal and its mom looking out of a stall door. I'm not too sure if the mother's head looks too big. I put 2 pictures together that were taken at the same angle and in the same light, so things should be the right proportions. Her head seems gigantic compared to the foal's. I remember her being a huge horse (I felt like if she swung her head around, my head would have been crushed), but not sure if it looks too big. She was gorgeous though and let everyone touch her and her foal. I'm going to try to use Stonehenge paper first, if that doesn't work too well, I might try watercolour. Probably do it as a WIP here and a few other places so I can get some feed back about how things are going.

Also going to change the look of my website. I want to draw some new graphics and hopefully I can figure out the html so it works properly.

Today Scottish Word:
1) gean

Answers to the last Scottish Words:
1) "stoor" means "dust"

2) "midden" which Leslie correctly guessed as meaning its a junk pile or a dung heap. Sometimes used to describe a dirty room.

I really should do a post with all of the words that have been posted already. :)

I tried orange flavoured coke. Interesting taste and you can't miss the orange coloured bottle. I love orange flavoured things so I don't mind the taste, it really doesn't have that strong of a taste to it. I miss vanilla coke though, can't get it here. :(


  1. Nice little dragon there Jennifer! I'm looking forward to seeing the horse WIP, draft horses are so nice (and the babies are pretty darn cute!)

    Glad you're back from the hospital! :D

  2. I think your Dragon is just gorgeous - how big is he? Val

  3. Thanks Rita I'm glad to be out of the hospital :) Hopefully I will have an art update within a few days.

    Thanks Val :D He is 2.5 by 2.5 inches.


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