Run Away Gum Balls #2

More of the candy still life. This is helping me a lot with perspective and reflections, both of which I need a lot of practice in. The paper (Murano) is actually not as dark as it is in the picture, the paper colour is called midnight. Its close enough to black for me to use and really easy for me to get my hands on. And I love the bright colours it comes in, especially the Lagoon colour, which would be really nice to use for some kind of seascape (and I think I have the perfect picture to use that we took when we were in New Zealand).
New Feature! I'm going to pick some Scottish words or phrases every post and see if people can guess what they mean. (No cheating using google ;) ) And I will try to keep them as clean as possible, which might get hard after awhile.
Scottish word/phrase of the day:
1) Awa an bile yer heid
2) Peely-Wally
Gum Ball #1
New Feature! I'm going to pick some Scottish words or phrases every post and see if people can guess what they mean. (No cheating using google ;) ) And I will try to keep them as clean as possible, which might get hard after awhile.
Scottish word/phrase of the day:
1) Awa an bile yer heid
2) Peely-Wally
Gum Ball #1
Please don't "boil my hide"! (?)
ReplyDeleteMy, oh, my! Those gumballs are spectacular!! Pat yourself on the back til you get tired!!
The gumballs look great! I can't wait to see the final product, that paper really makes the colour pop doesn't it?
ReplyDeleteI'm not even going to hazard to guess what those phrases mean, especially that first one. How do you even pronounce it!?
Thanks Leslie :D I don't even know if I could pat myself on the back without my arms getting stuck :p
ReplyDeleteHeid=head pronounced sort of like heed, depending on where you are and who you talk to. They way John says it and the way his parents say its sound almost like 2 different languages.
The black really does make them pop. I thought about darkening the paper with either pencil or ink, but wasn't sure how the paper would react to the ink because its not really meant to get wet.
Rita I have no idea how to pronounce it. lol The second one is easy though :)