This is Going to Take a Long Time

This is all I have done on my scarf so far. The bottom looks a little rough but as I am progressing its starting to look better. Not sure what colour I will use once I have finished with the red. Maybe white, and make a Canadian scarf :p It would match my coat lol. Doesn't have to be perfect, but I think its always good when a person learns a new skill. (still crossing my fingers its done by the end of winter ;) )

I have been listing to the Seether's new album "Finding Beauty In Negative Spaces" a lot. I really like it and recommend it (but I have been known to have weird tastes in music). Its loud but not too loud (that probably doesn't make any sense). If you listen to the whole album and not just the single "Fake It" which is very catchy, it is a well written album with great instrumentals.

Lots of art to finish and more art to list on Etsy. Going to work more on my site tomorrow and hopefully it is finished soon. :)

Listed the Teddy Bears I had drawn last year on Etsy.


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