Everday Matters Challenge #109

Everyday Matters Challenge #109 Copyright Jennifer Rose Phillip

I actually write a lie. The clock going off still makes me jump if I am not paying attention. I am really enjoying doing these little sketches. Its fun trying to think of little things to draw or write with them and it is good to draw something almost everyday, even a small thing like this. I probably should work on making my writing more legible :p

And I am turning into a pink werewolf o.0

*I have pink fabric fur up my nose that keeps causing me to sneeze*


  1. Anonymous8:29 pm

    I love the sketches and writing that accompany the challenges! I think they are catalysts for drawing and writing.
    And I can't think of an antidote for the werewolfiness:) You poor, pink, thing!

  2. Thanks :)

    and waxing has taken care of the werewolf problem :p


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