Dragon Eggs and Book Reports
Please click the colourful little eggs :) The more clicks, the quicker they hatch ( I think, not really sure just thought it was a cute idea) Click or the little eggs die :( *sobs* ;)
And I decided to add a little side bar listing the books I just finished and the books I am reading (I usually have 2 or 3 books being read at one time). I was never any good at writing book reports so I am going to make it short and sweet. If the book is crap, thats what I am going to write. If its worth reading I will try to think of something good to say about the book. I think there has only been one book that I haven't been able to finsih and it was so bad I can't remember what it was called. :p Even if the book is crap I keep reading in the hope
I am an illustrator and I love drawing dragon illustrations. So even I try to read as many as I can on dragons. I think you must try reading 'Beyond this point there be dragons (http://www.beyondthispointtherebedragons.com/)by Julie Burgess-Wells. It is a great book. The illustrations are great and the story is deep.