Meet Lyle

He was terrified of this little Westie down the street (the little dog is always barking!!!). He is a puppy for the Guide Dogs. Wish he was mine, but when he is older he will hopefully help someone in need. I might even get a helper dog if my MS got really bad. Hey thats a good thing about it lol. (I hate talking about my MS because I don't want people to think I am fishing for sympathy) Always ask for permission to take pictures or pet a Guide Dog, even if they are in training or are this young. /end public service announcement :p

Makes me miss having a dog. I need to see if I have any pictures of First. Not sure if I have any....

And you can tell its spring here!

If this blossoms tomorrow I will try to get some pictures :) Flowers in the front yard. And I found my Foxglove!! Just have to get a big pot to plant it and put it in the far part of the garden so no one brushes up against it and gets a rash/ill. Its very pretty to look at but toxic.

I really enjoyed doing the cat eye tut. I would love to do another if anyone wants to know how I do things with coloured pencil or graphite. Suggestions or questions are more than welcome :D


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