From Killer Tomatoes to Killer Bees!!

Another picture of the Clematis. :D *sob* I really want to draw some of the pictures I took of this now. But I think maybe I should start on the Virtual Sketch before I do. I have been so busy with the flat and trying to get things done and not be in the way that I really haven't had time to work on it. So it more than likely will be a very simple sketch.

And 5 minutes later I was stung. No not really, I have only been stung twice. Once on the shoulder and the other...on my breast. That hurt. A lot. (yeah TMI :P) Was playing baseball in the dreaded gym class and felt what I thought was a mosquito and swatted at it only to be stung. ouch. (I was horrible at baseball. Could never hit the ball. Could throw a nice fast ball, just couldn't hit the damn thing :P I loved playing rugby because I could tackle people I didn't like ;) )

We have no idea if this is a plant a weed or a bulb. There were 3 Dahlia bulbs in this pot but we don't think this is one of them. So now we have 2 plants that we have no idea what they are.

See :) The lawn was cut back. Still needs to be cut again and neatened up so we can at least put the dozens of daises that I have in the ground. Should look nice with all the different colours.

And I found my little Scottish dictionary! (ack still need to pack a lot!)

So here is a word for this week:

1) mowdie

Answers to the previous words:

1. sugarollie is a liquorice

2. syboes are spring onions

3. stammygaster means shock or suprise


  1. Anonymous6:16 pm

    Thanks for the link to the virtual sketch site, something I would love to try my hand at.

  2. Anonymous7:08 pm

    mystery plant: celosia? (look in google images)

    mow-die: cut the lawn and then don't water it.

  3. your welcome :) Hopefully you can participate next time :)

    hmm could be that Leslie, looks like something I would have grabbed the seeds for. lol it rhymes with rowdy. Well it does have to do with a lawn but think more fauna than flora ;)


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