RIP Killer Squash of Doom

So the killer squash of doom is dead. For such a tall plant we only got 7 squash off of it. Need to dry them out, and after that I have no idea what I am going to do with them. Shame they are not edible as I am sure someone would have eaten them.

I could try to make rattles out of them, but not sure if that would work (I could drive people insane with all the rattling :D ). Could always draw them I guess :)

hmmm spot the mistake. Now I know that mistakes are made, but one would think that a person would proof read something that was going to be hung up around the store. :/


  1. i just had to read a post with this title....;-)

  2. Anonymous12:40 am

    Isn't that rule" i before a, except after t"?

  3. yeah thats the rule :) I honestly would not have noticed the error, my spelling sucks lol

  4. So the plant is dead.... :( That is so sad, no more "feed me" lines then....LOL

  5. I think there was just too much water this year. Lots of the outdoor plants are suffering from too much water :/

    Well at least now I don't have to watch my back in the backyard from attack from the squash :p

  6. In a local grocery store, there is a little bucket at each check-out collecting money for some charity. It says "your donations is needed." They've been there for weeks and I'm sure that someone has pointed out the error.


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