I swear this is still an art blog :p But for now we have some pictures from yesterday. Just too bad about the clouds (and the parking lot fiasco)
This looked like they had put a giant pink condom on the nose of the plane :p (was for a group fund raising)
And an Apache :D Love the look of this helicopter. They had a few pyrotechnics going off in a field when this was in the air. Made me jump the first time it went off :p There were clouds of black smoke after they were set off.
B-52 Huge plane. You never realize how large these aircraft are until you see them in person.
A lot of the tails were painted.
Really low plane (Nimrod). Looked like it would never get off the ground to me lol
Video of the Red Arrows going through a few aerobatic displays (they did as much as they could considering the clouds) Didn't think they would get to fly at all the clouds were so thick. Was really cool to see. I had seen the Snow Birds in Hamilton so it was really neat to see a different team flying. It always amazing when you think of how long it takes to be able to fly that well to do the things they do.
Another short video
And no Scottish event is complete with out bagpipers :) (and rain :p)
My poor neglected blog! I just keep forgeting and running out of time in the day to post anything. I will try to post at least a few times a week *crossign fingers*
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