Creative Spaces May, 14, 2009

creative spaces may 14 2009 a
Originally uploaded by fuzzydragons

So this was my creative space this morning. The line art for a few ACEOs while listening to The Dresden Dolls. The birds on the lower left hand corner are probably going to end up as bigger coloured pencil pieces so will probably only use the cards as value studies. I figured it was about time I starting making value studies for bigger pieces. Its either going to help me or be a waste of time. Probably help though, don't see how it could hurt :)

And my space this evening :) Fixing a pair of Mr.F's jeans that have been ripped for probably a year *oops :p* but they are fixed now and the patch should hold. *crosses fingers* :p Can you see those yellow buttons to the left of the measuring tape? 40p for 5! 0.o I'm lucky if I can find one button for 40p :p I have no idea how old they are, but I love how bright they are.

I have an odd fascination with buttons. I don't use them that often, but have a collection for some reason. Hey you never know when you might need a button ;p

More Creative Spaces here :)


  1. Interesting isn't it...I don't use buttons much either but also have quite a collection.

  2. Oooh, Strawberry Bodybutter - is that as good as it sounds?!

  3. must be something about buttons that just screams collect me lol and they look so pretty lined up in jars

    Stepie- it is! :D it smell great and works really well :)

  4. Anonymous2:03 pm

    looks like a busy place to be!

  5. You can never have too many buttons.

  6. You can never have too many buttons.


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