Stuck in a Big Metal Tube...

Copyright Jennifer Rose Phillip

...that made horribly loud noises and vibrated. And sadly it wasn't a roller coaster :p ("or a submarine">> Mr.F)

Had another MRI today, but this time for my jaw, which makes a horrible noise when I open my mouth. Sounds like crinkling tinfoil on the right side, and can be pretty painful. So to try to figure out exactly what is going on the dentist/doctor ordered the MRI. I really hope I never end up in another one again (but probably will :/). My idea of a fun time is not having a flat surface less then 3 inches from my nose and not being able to see anything but that surface. (*thinks of happy thoughts of henry cavill to stop panicking*)

But on the bright side I think I am finished with the green part of this design for the moment. I will probably go back and darken some areas once more of the logo is coloured. I really need to remember to try to get a picture of this during the day, but even then the sunlight can be tricky to catch.

There has been frost on the ground, but no more snow :( Might have missed the chance to make a snowman village and play Godzilla :p


  1. I am glad there is a bright side, I heard that a UK study has found that being cheery is better for your heart's health!! Those machines are like rises at the Show, they make me feel woozy.
    Your longing for Spring is rivalled only by my longing for Autumn!!!

  2. Those scans are aweful and I have been there too. I thought beautiful thoughts of travelling in a train that made those rackety noise to a wonderful wonderful fairyland while I was lying in there lol!

  3. Ah, so that's what it was all about. Weird. My jaw just pops (which is annoying but not mysterious). I'm wondering what those crinkly noises could be, but surely not so much as you are.

  4. My jaw pops a little too...
    Now a picture of you playing Godzilla would have been priceless!

  5. Sorry to make light, but um, artscapes is giving me visions of a trio rattling and popping jaws to a beat...come to think of it, that's just not a good thing.

  6. I've never had an MRI and I'm not sure if I would cope too well with one either. I hope they find out what is causing the problem with your jaw.

  7. sounds like you have TMJ. i worked in dentistry for years and this sounds like a classic case. just google Tmj and you can read up on it. it stands for temperomandibular joint disfunction. there are some simple treatments for it. hope this helps a bit!

  8. I'll be back to see what you are creating on that paper. MRI's oohhh, I've heard about them but never had one.

  9. Sure am liking the color and shading on your design.

  10. Sure am liking the color and shading on your design.

  11. cindy, i read that study the other day, does make sense being cheery is healthier. :) I'd be fine with autumn too lol the all time grey is getting to be a bit much

    shashi, thats actually a good thought to have when having an MRI. explains away the noises :)

    ingrid, jaz below commented about what the problem is. i couldn't remember what the dentist had called it. it is really annoying when a jaw pops (even more so when you are eating something). your not making light at all!

    michelle, I'm crossing my fingers we get enough snow so I can get a picture like that lol :D

    serena, thanks :)

    jaz, that what the dentist had called the problem! thanks :D couldn't remember what he had said :)

    sandy, hopefully you never do have to have one :) not pleasant

    thanks Linda :)


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