
Meet Sky :) Cute little thing, thats all legs. And puked on me in the car ride hone :/ But I've had worse


  1. awwwww...and puking is her way of saying, I love you mom...
    I think that's what it means...

  2. you adopted a doggie? .... very cute indeed.....

  3. Oh hello lovely Sky, you look a little nervous in the photo!! The Labradors send you wiggly tail wags and sniffs!!!

  4. Hello Sky! How cute you are ~ :)

  5. @leslie - Unfortunately she also has the runs, which hopefully is just corona virus coupled with the flea shampoo she was doused in by the last people. Though John and I are sick now, so hopefully we haven't caught anything from her.

  6. Very cute she is.... ;D you will not be stuck for inspiration for a while.

  7. Seriously cute. Oh my, you are going to be so busy. Have fun! & congrats.

  8. Sky is so cute. I am sure he didn't mean to puke on you!

  9. oooh Hello Sky! hope you are very happy with your new family! they will love you loads!
    lots of love & woofs from
    Tina & Poppy Dog xx

  10. Sky is very cute. Having two dogs, I feel like I spend my life cleaning up dog puke. Apparently they are worth it though; I love 'em.

  11. it's unlikely that you would have caught your sickness from her but i hope you all get to feeling better soon. i've been around dogs all my life and our viruses/sickness have never transferred to the dogs nor their's to us. i'm not sure if you get it there but has she been vaccinated for the Parvo-virus? if not, it well worth thinking about....Parvo-virus kills dogs and is easily picked up, particularly if you plan to take your dog out a lot.

  12. Sadly Sky may have to go, I touched her when she was eating and she tried to take a lump out of my face, 3 times in a row. So not just a one off.Wondering if the last people had her drugged or something to hide her issues......
    Don't feel like I can trust her now.
    Why do bad things like this keep happening to me? :-(

  13. This dog does not sound like a keeper. I bet there are a lot of dogs with sweet dispositions that would love you back better than this one. Face attacks. Not good.
    Maybe a dog trainer would have an answer? But that costs more money I know.
    I just spent $500 on Maggie for spaying and tooth removal and a chip.
    Has your dog had shots? de wormed? Would it calm down if neutered?

    Are you placing the food in the dish up high on the counter top before placing it down on the floor? Even if you are doing that...not good to have a face attack pup. Not good.

    But I do know that my puppy loves to lick faces when she gets excited. But it is quite harmless and of course I am not allowing much of that stuff.
    Maybe it is just a puppy thing? How old is the dog?

    I got a great book from the library on dog training and it is amazing and so helpful. And it didn't cost anything. The titles of her books The Dog Listener and the other the Seven Ages of Man's Best Friend, by Jan Fennell.
    Really helpful.

  14. leslie, or it could mean the roundabouts are making me ill :p

    vee, some people didn't want her anymore so we took her. cute and bouncy :)

    cindy, yeah she does look a bit nervous. I don't think she knew what the camera was and it was making her nervous

    chrissy, no, I will have lots to draw :)

    thanks ingrid :)

    norma, she seemed so ashamed of having thrown up, easily cleaned tho :)

    lynda, hopefully worth it :)

    serena, we were told she has been vaccinated, but she ate the records :/ which I can believe since the paperwork we do have is covered in dog bites too. we did phone the vet, and they say that Parvo isn't that common here thankfully, but she will be kept up to date on her shots anyway.

    mary, I will have a look for that book :) I got some good advice from someone, which seems to be helping. She is 4 months old, but since no one has taken the time to train her basic manners, she needs to learn.

  15. How cute!!! I remember when I was a kid and we got a dog, puked on me as we pulled in the driveway. Fun. Good luck with Sky.


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