Let Me Go!

And I promise not to chase cars (at least not the red ones)


  1. Anonymous11:01 pm

    Aww poor Sky! She's so cute!

  2. you not like the red ones sky???

  3. Oh, she's in gaol!!! I know that look so well, she is so cute!! Red cars are faster and they travel in packs!!

  4. wen, cute but very mischievous :p

    tina, for some odd reason she usually doesn't chase red cars, no idea why as she really wants to get the other cars :/

    cindy, hmm maybe thats why she doesn't chase them. too many red cars that could gang up on her :p

  5. Its more likely because my parent's car is red, so she thinks all red cars might be their car.
    Odd puppy :p


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