Flickr Favourites

Its a theme this week, with the theme being your favourite quote :) I don't really have a favourite quote, but this one made me laugh when I first heard it "one by one the yard gnomes are stealing my sanity"

 1. Hiya There!, 2. "What I wouldn't give for a plane ticket to Hawaii!", 3. Where Won't He Travel TO?, 4. Garden Gnomes!

Kind of creepy looking things 0.o

For more Flickr Favourites head over here :)


  1. LOL cool quote!
    Garden gnomes do look a bit creepy... me thinks...

  2. =D ha it is a sweet one =D

  3. it's a nice one ...

  4. eheheh your quote is fun! I never heard it! it's a great way to hear new quotes!

  5. Cute - I think gnomes are abit like clowns love them or hate them!

  6. love this! but gnomes do free me out a bit!
    love teen xx

  7. haha........I love quotes but I can never remember really good ones. Funny post..

  8. Oh my goodness this is funny!

  9. Hah, garden gnomes are such funny creatures. I think you need to have loads to be accounted for being a bit insane. I wouldn't want them in my garden though unless as a little joke! ;)


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