Flickr Favourites

I love winter, I am a child of the snow, but right now I am getting a little sick of all of the brown slush everywhere and would much rather be sitting in the sand enjoying the sun right now. Making sand castles and chasing waves is much better then soggy socks and falling on your arse.

For more favourites head over here :)


  1. We don't have the depths of coldness you do, but I know the middle of Winter makes me long for a little bit of Sun too.

  2. Sounds like we hae the same feelings about the snow right now! I went into the city this afternoon and was disgusted by all the slush everywhere! Where is the sun? ;)

  3. Hi Jennifer,

    So sorry to hear you have the Winter Blues! Maybe you need to put one of those photos as your Screensaver on your computer. Then you could sit back and relax in front of it and think you are in that tropical setting! :) But keep bundled up! LOL

  4. Nice images, the beaches look wonderful, it is so grey here...I have been looking at images of snowdrops. I am ready for Spring!


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