There is still snow in the mountains, but finally colour is starting to show up everywhere :D Its so nice feeling the sun on my face, if it gets any hotter, we need to bring out the sunscreen. One freckle removed a year is enough for me, as is 5 itchy stitches :/. The dog is loving running everywhere, and still manages to find the one puddle of mud in the whole of the park to dig in :p She has a visit to the vet tomorrow for x-rays on her back leg, so we are crossing our fingers the problem is something simple and will not hurt her forever. I am still taking 365 pics of being 30, I manage to take a pic everyday, but I've gotten so far behind in uploading them I've forgotten what number I am on :p Todays pic, my eye :D Kinda creepy, but I love seeing all of the colours. And a small update on the tiger.The angle of the nose is way off, but meh :p even if I don't like the way the final piece looks, I can always crop the paper to that eye as I love how the eye looks :)