Flickr Favourites April 18,2011

Is it jellyfish stings that they say you have to pee on, or is that just an excuse to pee on one of your friends? :p

For more faves head over here :)


  1. hihi, i have no idea, never heard it before...How can something so beautiful hurt so bad...

  2. ahahha I've been stung by jellyfish and they always said to us (as kids!) you gotta pee on your leg! gross... but it works! ahaha
    Love those pics...

  3. Hi Jennifer,

    Lovely photos!
    Yes, that's what they say. I remember my Mom saying that to the boys. :)

  4. Oh, I had such a bad sting once...and some bright spark told me to pee on it! I couldn't reach. However the Spanish red cross people were happy to put Iodine on my bum, LOL. I was younger and fitter!hehe

  5. Such interesting creatures! I'd love to create a ceramic jelly fish one day! I'll put a sign next to it: don't pee on me! ;)


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