Flickr Faves August 9,2011

I want a yak :p Look how cute the little calves are. OK so the dog would probably run away from it, or ride it around terrorizing people :p hmmm maybe I don't want a yak.....

1. <a href="">Yak</a>, 2. <a href="">Yak at Nam-tso Lake</a>, 3. <a href="">Yaks</a>, 4. <a href="">yak calves</a>

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  1. I saw yaks in Bhutan on TV tonight!! They are very cute, there was a baby yak too!!

  2. they do look super cool!

  3. I remember the first time I saw a yak in real life - so awesome! I wouldn't want one though - they would take up too much space in our garden! :)


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