Sky and the Ice cream tub

sky and icecream by fuzzydragons sky and icecream, a photo by fuzzydragons on Flickr.

She likes tearing up cardboard, if its held something sweet or smelly, even better :p And it keeps her quite for 5 minutes lol Thank you everyone for your comments on the last post :) Looking more and more like I didn't poison us, more like the flu :/ Mr.F has it worse than me, I seem to be getting better. Just have a horrible headache left, so back to work I go and off start college on Tuesday :)


  1. Hey my husband does the same thing with ice cream cartons! Ha ha... Glad to hear that you are feeling a tad better. Moving in the right direction anyway...

  2. We should all go through life with an ice cream bucket attached to our face. Everybody would be a lot happier I think;-)

  3. Haha, I like Chocoholics comment ~ sounds good to me :) Hope you continue to get better Jen.

  4. I hope you're feeling better.

    Happy blogoversary :)

  5. Good to know you're not a poisoner!! Hope the flu passes quickly so you can engage fully in the college experience!!!
    Only five minutes? And cardboard infused with a food smell or flavour is very popular here too.

  6. teresa, he sticks his face in them? ;p

    lol sandi, a lot happier, and probably a lot bigger too :p

    thanks chrissy :)

    thanks teena :) i completely forgot about the blog birthday until you mentioned it :D

    cindy, i am pretty much all better now, mr.f....not so much :p lol yep 5 minutes unless its a really big piece of cardboard lol


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